About Personal Development blog
Hi, I’m Pusit Ketmayoon I’m a great believer that regardless of life experiences, everyone (including you) has unique talents and gifts. Unfortunately, with our busy routines, especially in the modern lifestyle, our thoughts become unclear and often we just slip and fail to optimize our potentials. Over the past 15 years I have been searching for the right tools to support my profession while I was in the field of Management of Service Providers, International Business Development and Coaching.
I believe in lifelong learning and because of that I have devoted myself to further learning and searching for the best thoughts and tools available. Today, I realize that in addition to searching for the best things for myself, I am passionate about helping others and seeing people making differences for their futures. That is the inspiration for creating this web blog. I sincerely hope that you find useful contents on the site. If there is anything you are looking for and do not find here, please let me know.
Wishing you a bright future ahead and success in all you do.
Yours sincerely,
Pusit Ketmayoon